Mineral water is water containing minerals
or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or
give it therapeutic value. Mineral water can often be
effervescent and it can be prepared or can occur naturally.
Traditionally, mineral waters are used or consumed at
their source, often referred to as “taking the waters”
or “taking the cure”. In modern times, it is far more
common for mineral waters to be bottled at source for
distributed consumption.
Traveling to the mineral water site for direct access
to the water is now uncommon, and in many cases not
possible (because of exclusive commercial exploitation).
There are over 2,800 brands of mineral water available
commercially worldwide.
Since the area around Bad Cannstatt has numerous traditional
mineral springs and fountains that are open to the public,
go out and take the opportunity to taste the potentially
healing waters for yourself. The mineral water found
here is not being commerically bottled - you may bring
a bottle and fill up as much of the water as you like.